Subsea Award

The Subsea Symposium Awards 2024 celebrate the outstanding achievements of professionals, projects, and innovations that are shaping the future of the subsea industry. This year, we recognize excellence in leadership, research, technology, and sustainable energy transition. 

The awards aim to highlight the most impactful contributions to the industry, acknowledging the bright minds and transformative initiatives driving progress in the subsea sector.

Award Categories

1.⁠ ⁠Outstanding Professional in Subsea Industry

Description: Recognizes a professional who has made a significant and lasting contribution to the subsea industry.
Evaluation Criteria: Experience, industry impact, leadership, and innovation.
– Voting: Voting will be carried out by a committee of sector experts.

2.⁠ ⁠Best Subsea Technology Innovation

Description: Recognizes the best technological innovation presented at the congress, having a significant impact on the subsea industry.
Evaluation Criteria: Innovation level, technological differentiation, and impact on the industry.
Voting: Panel of subsea technology experts.

3.⁠ ⁠Best Presenter

– Description: Awards the speaker who gave the clearest, most engaging, and effective presentation during the congress.
Evaluation Criteria: Clarity, communication, mastery of the topic, interaction with the audience, and presentation innovation.
Voting: Public voting by event attendees.

4.⁠ ⁠Outstanding Young Professional in Subsea Industry

Description: Recognizes a young professional under 35 years of age who has demonstrated exceptional leadership and contributions to the subsea industry.
– Evaluation Criteria: Leadership, innovation, industry impact, and potential for future growth.
– Voting: Panel of industry experts, with input from other professionals.

5.⁠ ⁠Best R&D Project in Subsea

– Description: Awards the best research and development project focused on innovation and practical application in the subsea sector.
Evaluation Criteria: Originality, market potential, and contribution to knowledge.
Voting: Industry experts panel.

6.⁠ ⁠Best Energy Transition Initiative

– Description: Recognizes the best initiative promoting sustainability and innovation in the subsea energy transition.
– Evaluation Criteria: Innovation, environmental impact, economic viability, and contribution to the energy transition.
– Voting: Expert panel on energy transition.

Voting and Selection Process

•⁠ ⁠Public Voting: Open to event participants via an online platform or app throughout the congress for categories such as Best Presenter.
•⁠ ⁠Expert Panel: A panel of experienced industry experts will evaluate the nominees based on the defined criteria. Each judge will score from 1 to 10, and the winner will be determined by the highest cumulative score.

Nominations for applicable categories can be made between October 15 and November 15, 2025, through a form that will be made available on October 15, 2025 at:

Announcement of Winners

The winners will be announced at the Closing Ceremony of the Subsea Symposium, and the awards will be presented to representatives of the recognized individuals or projects.

Join us in recognizing the brilliant minds shaping the future of the subsea industry!

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